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Biophysical Table-A table mapping each LULC code to biophysical data for that LULC classInput
Shade-The proportion of area in this LULC class that is covered by tree canopy at least 2 meters highInput
Crop coefficientKcCrop coefficient for this LULC classInput
Green area-Enter 1 to indicate that the LULC is considered a green area. Enter 0 to indicate that the LULC is not considered a green areaInput
Building intensity-The ratio of building floor area to footprint area, with all values in this column normalized between 0 and 1Input
Urban heat island effectUHI effectThe difference between the rural reference temperature and the maximum temperature observed in the cityInput
Air Blending Distance-Radius over which to average air temperatures to account for air mixingInput
Albedo-The proportion of solar radiation that is directly reflected by this LULC class. Required if the β€˜factors’ option is selected for the Cooling Capacity Calculation MethodOutput
Cooling capacityCCCooling capacity is the measure of a cooling system's ability to remove heat, which can be obtained based on local shade, evapotranspiration, and albedoOutput
Heat Mitigation IndexHMIHMI is equal to CC if the pixel is unaffected by any large green spaces, but otherwise set to a distance-weighted average of the CC values from the large green spaces and the pixel of interestOutput
Wet Bulb Globe TemperatureWBGTWBGT is widely used to quantify the impacts of heat on work productivityOutput
Air temperatureT_airAverage air temperatureOutput
Energy savings-Energy savings are calculated based on an empirical relationship between energy consumption and temperature (e.g. summarized by Santamouris et al. 2015)Output

Model applications

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