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Model Details

Cover Image for the case study titled `An introduction to InVEST urban flooding model`


The InVEST Urban Flood Risk Mitigation Model calculates the runoff reduction, i.e. the amount of runoff retained per pixel compared to the storm volume. For each watershed, it also calculates the potential economic damage by overlaying information on flood extent potential and built infrastructure.

from InVEST Documentation

Data needs

Before running the InVEST Urban Flood Risk Mitigation Model, check the key model input here.

How to run the model?

Model output


InVEST Urban Flood Risk Mitigation Model outputs have the following layout:

β”‚ flood_risk_service.dbf
β”‚ flood_risk_service.prj
β”‚ flood_risk_service.shp
β”‚ flood_risk_service.shx
β”‚ InVEST-natcap.invest.urban_flood_risk_mitigation-log-2023-01-03--19_16_18.txt
β”‚ precipitation=100.txt
β”‚ Q_mm.tif
β”‚ Runoff_retention.tif
β”‚ Runoff_retention_m3.tif
β”‚ Q_m3.tif
β”‚ reprojected_aoi.gpkg
β”‚ structures_reprojected.gpkg

Structure rundown

FolderFile name(s)Explanation
./flood_risk_service.*(dbf,prj,shp,shx)Shapefile with results in the attribute table, e.g.,
  • average of runoff retention values per watershed
  • sum of runoff retention volumes per watershed
  • flood volume per watershed
  • potential damage (Unit: USD) to built infrastructure per watershed
  • an indicator of the runoff retention service for the watershed
./Q_mm.tifRunoff map (Unit: mm)
./Runoff_retention.tifRunoff retention ratio map (no unit, relative to precipitation volume)
./Runoff_retention_m3.tifRunoff retention volume map (Unit: m3)
./*.txtThe txt file lists the parameter values and output messages for that run and will be named according to the service, the date and time

Only key outputs are listed in the above table.

As reflected by its name, files in the /intermediate folder are intermediate output.

If you want to learn more on these output, you can refer to this link.

Results visualization

Distribution of runoff (Q)

(Figure 1)
Distribution of runoff retention ratio

(Figure 2)
Distribution of runoff retention

(Figure 3)
Distribution of runoff retention service

(Figure 4)
Same as Figure 1, but with land use change
Same as Figure 2, but with land use change
Same as Figure 3, but with land use change
Same as Figure 4, but with land use change