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Model Details

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The InVEST Carbon Storage and Sequestration model uses maps of land use along with stocks in four carbon pools (aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, soil, and dead organic matter) to estimate the amount of carbon currently stored in a landscape or the amount of carbon sequestered over time.

from InVEST Documentation

Data needs

Before running the InVEST Carbon Storage and Sequestration Model, check the key model input here.

How to run the model?

Model output


InVEST Carbon Storage and Sequestration Model outputs have the following layout:

β”‚ delta_cur_fut.tif
β”‚ InVEST-natcap.invest.carbon-log-2023-01-27--21_16_24.txt
β”‚ npv_fut.tif
β”‚ report.html
β”‚ tot_c_cur.tif
β”‚ tot_c_fut.tif
β”‚ c_above_cur.tif
β”‚ c_above_fut.tif
β”‚ c_below_cur.tif
β”‚ c_below_fut.tif
β”‚ c_dead_cur.tif
β”‚ c_dead_fut.tif
β”‚ c_soil_cur.tif
β”‚ c_soil_fut.tif

Structure rundown

FolderFile name(s)Explanation
./tot_c_cur.tifMaps showing the amount of carbon stored in each pixel for current scenarios. It is a sum of all of the carbon pools provided by the biophysical table.

Unit: metric tons per pixel.
./tot_c_fut.tifSame as the above, but for future scenarios.
./delta_cur_fut.tifMaps showing the difference in carbon stored between the future landscape and the current landscape.
./npv_fut.tifMaps showing the economic value of carbon sequestered between current and future landscapes.

Unit: currency per pixel.
./report.htmlThis file presents a summary of all data computed by the model. It also includes descriptions of all other output files produced by the model, so it is a good place to begin exploring and understanding model results. Because this is an HTML file, it can be opened with any web browser.
./*.txtThe txt file lists the parameter values and output messages for that run and will be named according to the service, the date and time.

Only key outputs are listed in the above table.

As reflected by its name, files in the /intermediate folder are intermediate output.

If you want to learn more on these output, you can refer to this link.

Results visualization

Current carbon storage
(in 2020)
Future carbon storage
(in 2050)
Changes in carbon storage
(2050 - 2020)
Changes in the value of carbon storage
(2050 - 2020)