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Civil Engineering Analytics and Data Visualization ๐Ÿ“Š

National University of Singapore (NUS), Fall 2023

Xiaogang HE he/him


๐Ÿ“ E2-02-06 (office)

This course aims to introduce basic data science concepts and visualization techniques to students who are interested in climate, buildings, environment, etc. Students will gain hands-on experience in terms of how to mine, model and visualize data to tell a compelling story of global challenges (e.g., emerging climate crisis).


Find Slides and Recordings on Canvas

Week 8 - Welcome to CE3201 ๐Ÿ‘

Oct 9
Lecture ย  1 Introduction
[Slides] [Recordings]
Oct 11
Tutorial 1 Python, Numpy
[Exercise] [Solution]

Week 9

Oct 16
Lecture ย  2 Probability/Statistics
[Slides] [Recordings]
Oct 18
Tutorial 2 Pandas
[Exercise] [Solution]

Week 10

Oct 23
Lecture ย  3 Extreme Value Analysis
[Slides] [Recordings]
HW#1 out
Oct 25
Tutorial 3 Scipy + Work on HW#1
[Exercise] [Solution]
Oct 27
Project out
[Project Description]

Week 11

Oct 30
Lecture ย  4 From Data to Visualization
[Slides] [Recordings]
Nov 1
Tutorial 4 Work on HW#1
Nov 5
HW#1 due

Week 12

Nov 6
Lecture ย  5 Figure Design
[Slides] [Recordings]
Nov 8
Tutorial 5 Matplotlib + Work on HW#2

Week 13

Nov 13
Lecture ย  6 Storytelling with Data
[Slides] [Recordings]
Nov 15
Tutorial 6 Work on HW#2
Nov 19
HW#2 due

Examination Week

Dec 5
Visualizing Emerging Risks of Heat Extremes and Premature Death Rate in Southeast Asia under Climate Change
[Project Description]
Project Due

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Page last modified: Oct 29 2023 at 12:11 PM.